Monday, January 27, 2020

Critiquing Cosmetic Progression

Critiquing Cosmetic Progression Part One: About a decade ago, Dove Corporation released a controversial video, which, quite successfully, was able to subliminally banter the modern fashion industrys notorious inclination of distorting physical complexion for increased product marketing. Perhaps even more impressively, they accomplished this in less time than it takes to re-heat a leftover plate of spaghetti. Enter Dove: Evolution. Clocking in at just over a minute in length, this advertisement has achieved widespread appraisal for its unparalleled ability to challenge contemporary plights related to self- esteem (particularly in women) as a result of the constant degrading stimuli being solicited through media outlets. Upon watching this clip myself, I experienced an array of emotions ranging from calm, to apprehension, and even mild bewilderment. As the brief video has no dialogue, the importance of background music is noticeably enforced. At the opening, were presented with soothing classical piano chords, as our female su bject takes a seat before the camera inside of the contextual production studio. Alarmingly, the tempo begins to quicken; introducing heavy pulses of bass rhythm while simultaneously, bright lights are introduced as a means of hastily diminishing the facial blemishes of the woman. Her initially optimistic demeanor begins to steer toward that of a nerve wracked teenager as the videos speed becomes digitally modified cosmetologists bustle about, enhancing her hairstyle at an inhuman pace, while a quick series of bright camera shots catches the viewer off guard with a semi-photo sensitive intensity. Never ceasing in its rapid course, the video transitions to a final still-frame of the physically enhanced woman, at which point an Adobe PhotoShop heads-up display is introduced. Following a painstakingly meticulous series of alterations lip saturation, eye widening, shadow exaggerations, and a neck extension, the camera angle slowly pans outward; causing the viewer to witness a suburban street with our main characters revised complexion strung upon a billboard. A pair of young women, observe this obstruction in passing prior to the screens final fade to black. Subsequently, a credit appears to company, along with a statement concerning warped bodily perceptions. Theres meaning in the text and images here beyond what may be immediately apparent: theres a rhetorical framework and a message that suggests something more significant and complex than what observers may see on a first look. Part Two: Breaking down the advertisement further, it becomes quite apparent that a pathodic appeal to personal emotions is invoked on multiple levels. From the outset, the music puts us at ease, before abruptly shifting to incorporate drums and additional rock-based instruments on a dual track layer. Personally, this technique, coinciding with the changing facial expressions the woman was undergoing, resonated a sense of alarm within me (as if I was about to witness a pending act of brutality). With that said, I think any viewer experiencing similar emotions at this point would have found it appalling how relentlessly the hairdressers went about their business, seemingly void of any compassion. Maybe this was the directors intention, because a resulting feeling of sympathy for this woman blossomed in my soul. By now, Dove has its audiences feelings on autopilot, and is able to orchestrate them befittingly for the duration of the editing sequences. Im inclined to deduce that the photo-shopping was revealed in an attempt to drive the hammer into the nail of what we already knew this entire time nobody is naturally that attractive! That isnt to say, though, that the closing act couldnt be reaming with hints of ethos in addition to the aforementioned rhetoric. I noticed that the billboard hosting the end product pointed to another popular brand in the skin care sector. Do we sense a conspiracy at work amongst the conglomerates? Im going to circle back to this revelation later, as I believe its important to factor into the grand scheme of whats transpiring. Part Three: In continuance to the closing statement I made in the previous paragraph, there are a number of admonishments Id like to point out to my readers, in order to address the more metaphorical aspects of this video (or what may potentially be interpreted as such). First, something that caught my attention early on, was that the correction of facial blemishes on the subjected woman were given utmost priority to any other items on the touch-up task list. I would infer that on a larger scale, this hints at a hierarchical approach the fashion industry adopts when evaluating beauty. Following that logic, we could conclude that a raw human face warrants correction prior to any makeup, hair, or airbrush modifications conducted by modeling agency experts. Bluntly theyre judging your primary feature with heightened scrutiny. Secondly, the overall pace of the advertisement, as I previously mentioned, was extremely swift. Coupled with the background tunes, this probably assisted in delivering the broadest possible range of emotionally triggering stimuli to target audiences in the designated timeframe undoubtedly a premeditated play. The objective of this ad was essentially to call out the elephant in the room, (or in this case, perhaps the one in Hollywood) and in order to do that, Dove knew that relying on a pathos-based approach would prove to be a strategic ally to influence viewers with the desired message. Finally, the billboard itself was placed in a neighborhood which appeared to be centered on either: working-class citizens, high-school youth, and/or single parents aspiring for more. I gleaned this demographical hypothesis by noting the surrounding environment composed exclusively of brick apartment complexes, wire fencing, and used cars. Suffice it to say that if this is indeed a factual theory, it would correlate nicely with the idea that Dove wants to spread its agenda like a wildfire throughout the general consumer populace; many of whom may have otherwise remained in blissful ignorance to the proceedings commencing behind closed doors. Part Four: Primarily, I fathom that women of Millennial and X generations would be the most heavily impacted audience after watching this advertisement. Furthermore, I would ascertain that those impacts have mostly positive connotations, superseding the manipulative (unethical?) bodily practices exposed therein. In support of this claim, I located a research study conducted by Stephanie L Quigg in 2010. The purpose was to identify how a brief ad could mitigate the negative effects imposed on self-esteem through traditional media propaganda. The study consisted of exposing groups of women to one of three variants: a music video padded with standard commercials, the same music video padded with intervention commercials, and TV with non-human focused commercials. The outcome determined that seeing the music videos ultimately led to lower levels of self-satisfaction in test subjects, in contrast to the group that didnt. Interestingly though, in her subsequent book titled Body Image, Quiggreveals e xposure to the intervention commercial counter-acted this effect. Demonstrating the extent which media portrayals of women are artificially enhanced can mitigate detrimental effects on female appearance satisfaction (135-142). Earlier, I mentioned Id be elaborating on the concept of concealed marketing loaded inside of well-intentioned messaging. Taking a tip from Bob Garfield, a journalist reviewing the Ogilvy Mather Agency, (who represent the film) I quickly uncovered another mind who shares my chilling proposition. Quoting his article specifically, the bonus is, if they stay with this message come what may, theyll also turn over lots of whatever it is apart from the uncomfortable truth theyre selling (Garfield). That statement really makes me wonder if any act of good nature is pure these days; or is everything simply a clever ruse to boost a bottom line? Part Five: To culminate my analysis, Id like to reiterate to my readers, the importance of executing caution in response to all sources of mainstream advertising, regardless of implied positive messages. In this discussion, Ive brought to light how what was formerly thought to be a feat of goodwill by Dove, might actually constitute as a turncoat for a corrupted motive, depending on the eye of the beholder. Its crucial that we embrace this somewhat harsher truth going forward. In order to be competent citizens, its dire that we examine each aspect of a message. Otherwise, we become vulnerable to intelligently situated reverse psychology governing our buying impulses. Works Cited Quigg, Stephanie L., Stephen C. Want. Highlighting Media Modifications: Can a Television Commercial Mitigate the Effects of Music Videos on Female Appearance Satisfaction? Body Image, vol. 8, Elsevier, 2011, pp. 135-42. Science Direct, Elsevier, 2011, doi:10.1016/j.bodyim.2010.11.008.Accessed 6 Mar. 2017. Tackling Ugly Truth, Dove Effort Evolves Beautifully. Review of Dove: Evolution, by Bob Garfield, 2006. Advertising Age, revision 2015, Crain Communications, 29 Oct. 2006, 6 Mar. 2017. Unilever Group. Dove: Evolution. The Evolution Video: The Use of Photoshop and Airbrushing in the Media, Unilever, 11 Jan. 2016, 6 Mar. 2016.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Brave New Brain

AP PsychologyName Chp 2: Neuroscience Questions for Brave New Brain, Chapter 4 by Nancy C. Andreasen Read this packet carefully & completely. The reading is very long, complex & detailed. Consider it a primer reading to help you study the brain. As you read feel free to highlight or underline the actual text as needed. These study questions are to help you key in on what is important. Be sure to answer each question fully and completely. I expect you to TYPE the answers. You may find it easier to save a copy from my webpage and fill in the questions as you go instead of retyping the questions.Due to the length of this assignment it will count as a test grade. (HINT: Questions go in order) 1. What are the three (3) types of brain tissue? ~Gray matter, white matter, and Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) 2. List the two (2) neurodegenerative disorders that destroy cell bodies. ~Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s 3. What does the cell body do for the neuron? ~Performs basic command functi ons 4. Why does â€Å"cerebral cortex† mean â€Å"bark of the brain†? ~The nerve cell bodies are highly concentrated on the surface of the brain, causing it to look like tree bark 5.What does â€Å"subcortical† literally mean? ~Below the cortex 6. Name the two (2) demyelinating diseases listed in the text. What do these types of diseases do? ~Multiple sclerosis (MS) and Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) both harm the white matter of the brain and cut the ties that allow the neurons to communicate with one another 7. What are ventricles? ~Parts inside the brain that carry CSF 8. Name two of the three important functions that CSF carries out. ~Contain nutrients and byproducts of brain activity to help the brain ~Replace issing brain tissue 9. What are gyri and sulci? Why do we have them? Draw a diagram to explain. ~Ridges and dips that cover the surface of the human brain in order for the brain to have enough neurons and stay at a healthy size, because the brain has to do adjusting and when it does, it creates the gyri and sulci 10. How does the brain grow? List and explain in detail each of the seven (7) steps in Table 4-1 on page 45: neuron formation, neuron migration, proliferation of dendrites and spines, synaptogenesis, myelination, pruning, and apoptosis.You may have to read into the text to explain in detail. ~Neuron formation happens a few months after fetus conception, and when DNA begins to send instructions to cells telling them to differentiate into nerve cells and some to change into liver or heart cells. After a sufficient number of nerve cells accumulate, the neurons then embark on a journey known as neuron migration. Pathfinder cells called glia guide the neurons to a new territory where they will create the cerebral cortex and the various subcortical gray matter parts of the brain.After the brain divides into two sides and the cells organize themselves according to the role that they will play in the activities of the brai n, dendrites and spines are formed (when each neuron sprouts dendrites that extend themselves by sprouting spines). Synapses are communication points that allow many cells to communicate with each other at the same time and mature and change in a process called synaptogenesis. Myelination occurs when axons are covered and insulated by fat layers, which increase the information speed between neurons.Lastly, pruning and apoptosis must occur to create a balance of connections within the brain because of the excess number of unnecessary cells and connections in the brain. Pruning trims the back overgrowth of dendrites and spines, and apoptosis removes the excess in a process known as programmed cell death. 11. What role does DNA play in neural development? ~It provides basic instructions in neural development with a concept called â€Å"brain plasticity† 12. Explain the following in your own words: â€Å"neurons that wire together, fire together. ~Nerve cells that are built toge ther and are stimulated at the same time will produce the same reaction 13. What is LTP or long term potentiation? What major neurotransmitter facilitates LTP? ~LTP is when the size of a neural response increases after stimulation, and is facilitated by Glutamate 14. What does the hippocampus do? ~One of the major memory regions of the brain and stores memories; is the home for much LTP activity with Glutamate 15. What did Hubel & Wiesel win the Nobel Prize for? Specifically explain their experiment on vision & critical periods. Their discoveries about the brain by conducting an experiment involving covering the eye of a very young animal and observing cell alignment and how it impacted the function of the good eye and bad eye. Later, they uncovered the bad eye and determined that it was too late for it to develop like the good eye. 16. What is a critical period (relate this term to more than vision)? ~When an area of the brain (vision, touch, or speaking) develop fully. For some pa rts, timing is crucial and proper development will be lost if stimulation doesn’t occur at the correct time. 17.In your own words explain the following quote on page 49: â€Å"Sometimes single powerful experiences affect our brains for life. † ~It doesn’t take something crazy to alter the brain. If the experience is strong, a sole experience can produce a lasting impact. 18. In your own words explain the following quote on page 50: There is â€Å"†¦ a false polarity between physical and psychological†¦ † ~People think that treatments for depression or anxiety require physical biological treatment, but sometimes non-biological methods can produce the same or stronger results. 19. What is agenesis?How is it caused? Explain fully!!! ~An abnormality of the fetal brain caused by alcohol exposure; nerve cells in the two hemispheres fail to send axons between each other and communicate. 20. What are some social consequences of LTP and human experience mentioned on page 51. ~Over exposure to TV or violence when young can cause children to develop a passive learning style or become insensitive to violence and/or pain. 21. Write down the Latin or Greek meaning and the function for the following: cerebellum, thalamus, hippocampus, subcortical, amygdala, neocortex, hypothalamus & corpus callosum. Cerebellum: â€Å"little brain†; coordinates movement, thinking, and emotion ~Thalamus: â€Å"marriage bed†; filter or central switchboard of the brain ~Hippocampus: â€Å"seahorse†; memory ~Subcortical: â€Å"below the bark†; any gray matter region that lies below the cortex of the brain ~Amygdala: â€Å"almond†; emotional memory ~Neocortex: â€Å"new bark†; more highly evolved cortical area ~Hypothalamus: â€Å"under the bed†; modulation of appetites and drives ~Corpus Callosum: â€Å"firm body†; axon tracks connecting two hemispheres of the brain 22. What is the motor strip in charge of? Where is it located?What is the motor homunculus? Who found it? ~In charge of movement throughout the body; located in frontal lobe. Motor Humunculus is a pattern that connects sense of touch to movement in our bodies and it was mapped out by Wilder Penfield. 23. List and explain what each of the four (4) lobes of the cerebral cortex do. ~Frontal Lobes: planning, deciding, remembering, and making moral judgements ~Temporal Lobes: language and some parts of memory ~Parietal Lobes: sensory and visuospatial associations ~Occipital Lobes: contain regions used for visual perception 24.What do they mean by the â€Å"mind† on page 56? ~Mental activities such as remembering and communicating (rather than the scientific aspects of the brain) 25. Compare and contrast the two (2) general methods of brain research on page 57. ~Lesion method: Provides information about the brain by showing what the brain was no longer able to do after having a particular section taken away ~Functional Imaging Techniques: permit scientists to directly visualize which parts of the healthy brain are used to perform specific functions ~Contrast: Lesion method exploited accidents and strange natural occurrences 26.Define aphasia and then explain the two (2) different types. What happens if your angular gyrus is damaged? ~Aphasia is called the â€Å"loss of language† (failure to associate meaning to sound waves). Types: Wernicke’s (individual loses ability to speak coherently because the ability to comprehend the language is lost) and Broca’s (individual knows what’s being said but can’t express himself). If the angular gyrus is damaged the ability to read and write will be diminished, but the ability to understand won’t be. 27.Explain what Karl Lashley was looking for. What happened to H. M. as a result of his surgery? What do the amygdala and hippocampus do? ~He was looking for proof that no specific lesion could produce deficits in memory; H. M was completely voided of the ability to remember any new information. The amygdala and hippocampus mediate some learning/memory and work together to send and store memories. 28. What brain structure acts as an attention filter? ~The Thalamus 29. What does the prefrontal system (cortex) do?What is a prefrontal syndrome? Historical cases? ~It mediates executive functions (abstract thought, creative problem solving, and behavior). A prefrontal syndrome is a lesion in the orbital region of the prefrontal cortex. A historical case is when Phineas Gage got an iron bar through his left frontal lobe and exhibited drastic personality and developmental differences/changes. 30. What does the cerebellum do? ~Coordinates movement, thinking, and emotion 31. What is the limbic system in charge of?What four (4) major parts make up this system? ~Feeling and monitoring emotions with basic survival drives; cingulate gyrus, hippocampus and amygdala, mammillary bodies and anterior thalamus 32. Brie fly explain how a neurotransmitter works (not action potential). Draw me a sketch. ~Small molecule or chemical that transmits nerve signals from one neuron to another 33. The last parts are wordy. List and summarize all of the functions of the following chemicals: dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, acetylcholine, GABA, and glutamate. Dopamine: first product synthesized from the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase; close chemical relationship with norepinephrine and epinephrine; key neurotransmitter in the brain and plays role in Parkinson’s and schizophrenia ~Norepinephrine: sends projections throughout the whole brain; affects almost every region in the brain, and plays a large part in mood disorders ~Serotonin: near midbrain, similar to norepinephrine and plays important roles in antidepressant medications ~Acetylcholine: in the nucleus basalis of Meyner and protects the hippocampus and cingulate gyrus; memory encoder ~GABA: amino acid neurotransmitter; inhibitory role in th e brain; relatively long tract; characterizes Huntington’s disease ~Glutamate: amino acid neurotransmitter; excitatory role; can be harmful if presented in large amounts (produce excessive neuronal excitation); produce signs of psychosis 34. Finally, in your own words tell me why â€Å"the whole [brain] is greater than the sum of its parts†? ~In order for the brain to function, all parts must work together, which means that no part can be completely dysfunctional (although brain plasticity can to some degree balance and make up for the disfunction).

Friday, January 10, 2020

Fighting for Our Rights

I have been witness to many movements and many campaigns that involve rights of those concerned. Human rights, animal rights, women’s rights, child rights, minority rights, prisoner’s rights, right to freedom, right to education, right to potable water, right to fight, right to eat, right to sleep, rights of the aged, rights of the marginalised, rights of refugees and war victims, rights of these and rights of those, rights of the left and rights of the right, etc,etc. The list is endless. It is not my intention to mock those who are suffering and those whose rights have beendeprived but I at times wonderwhy the activists and concerned souls who are serving the deprived don’t want to delve into their own duties and the duties & responsibilities of those whoserights they seem to support, uphold and protect. For after all, rights and duties are the two sides of the same coin, just as remembering and forgetting are The problem has assumed such epic proportions in the West that parents are even scared to punish their own children for fear of invoking the wrath of the child rights activists who seem to forget that in the long run a certain amount of discipline is good forthe children whose rights they appear to support and vouch for. I therefore presume they have never heard of the saying â€Å"spare the rod and spoil the child†. The lack of discipline, respect and values may all be attributed to this forgetfulness of duties. I am completely in favour of animal rights and protecting the natural environment of animals but let me tell you about a champion of the environment and animal rights whom I had the misfortune of meeting during my sojourn in Chennai. The person in question is an illustrious personality with undisputable credentials but if you were ever to walk into the office of the aforementioned you will find that the way the staff there are treated is worse than the way animal haters would treat an animal. This person has completely forgotten that it is not only ourduty to protect animals but it isalso our duty not to treat humans like animals. Not only do we have to take care of theenvironment at large but we should also realize that we should provide an ideal environment for our subordinates to work, grow and flourish. I’m not talking merely of the physical environment but also of the environment wherein the individual employee is treated humanely so that he or she realizes that it is their duty to work harder and serve better. I am also a firm believer in the right of children to good and quality education but I do believe that it is also the duty of these children who are provided this quality educationto treat their teachers, parents and the general publicwith respect and love. I believe in the rights of the aged but I cannot simply acceptor forgive those aged who during their better and younger days failed to fulfill their duties as a parent and therefore do not obtain the love or respect of their children who then disown them and abandon them to their ownends. I believe in the rights of war victims and refugees but I alsobelieve that it is the duty of such victims and refugees to ensure that they respect their aggressors and also respect the laws of the host country that provided refuge rather than turning into a fifth column within the host country. I believe in the right of all to uninterrupted supply of potable water but I also believe that it is the duty of allto ensure that they do not pollute the water source and damage the water table. I believe in the rights of minorities but I also believe that it is the duty of the said minorities to treat their majority brethren with love and respect. I believe in my right to believe in a lot of things but also believe that it is my duty to fulfill a lot of responsibilities. Therefore my dear friends may I beseech each and everyone of you who may chance upon this post to obtain and enjoy your rights with a senseof duty and responsibility for as I mentioned earlier rights and duties are two sides of the same coin. If only each one of us were to enjoy our rights with a sense of responsibility and duty, the world would certainly be a better place to live in.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Why School Uniforms Should Be Required. - 727 Words

This is an everlasting debate that whether school uniforms should be worn or casual clothing is as good. And like most of the popular debate in the world it has no concrete answer, it totally depends on a person’s beliefs actually. For some it is a benefit for others a disadvantage. I believe public schools should require students to wear uniforms. First wearing school uniforms promotes good discipline. Second it reduces distractions. Thirdly it is a far less expensive to buy school uniforms than many other clothes. First off school uniforms should be required because they promote good discipline. As well as school uniforms would reduce arguments over fashionable clothing. I have realized that children invariably tease those who do†¦show more content†¦They are becoming far less expensive than many other clothes. Schools argue that school uniforms are economical, especially compared to designer clothing, and parents agree given school uniform durability. They say scho ol uniforms last longer because they are made for repeated wash and wear. Parents can get used school uniforms at discount prices, or just use them as hand-me-downs between siblings. When school districts begin to discuss the idea of school uniforms, parentsShow MoreRelatedWhy School Uniforms Should Be Required1333 Words   |  6 Pages The Need for School Uniforms School is a place to learn, grow and acquire the necessary fundamentals to become a productive adult in society. I believe school uniformity create an environment where kids can learn and focus on their education. School uniforms should be required in grades pre-kindergarten to twelfth grade. I recognize that school uniforms create structure and discipline, equality and a sense of belonging amongst each other, and lastly school uniforms are cost effective. There haveRead MoreStudents Should Be Required to Wear Uniforms801 Words   |  4 Pages 2013 All Students Should Be Required To Wear Uniforms Dress code has always been a problem in schools because students often times don’t adhere to the rules on what they can and cannot wear to school. While clothing is a minor issue when it comes to education; wearing uniforms does seem to improve an educational environment. Are school uniforms good or bad? There are many reasons why students should be required to wear uniforms. Students should be required to wear uniforms because it creates anRead MoreSchool Uniforms: A Bad Idea Essay1247 Words   |  5 Pageshigh schools in the United States is parents and their children against the enforcement of their school’s uniform policy. More schools have been adopting uniform policies within the past decade. Rules contained in the policy that are implemented range from wearing certain types of tops (shirts) in specified colors to students being required to tuck in their shirts. In the past, uniforms were exclusively for students who attended private schools because they were â€Å"well-off†, but now uniforms areRead MoreWhy School Uniforms And Low Income Areas1512 Words   |  7 Pages Why are required school uniforms always discussed in low income areas vs. medium or high income areas? The fact that required uniforms are well established in low income areas.The question is why are required uniforms so popular in low income areas?Will require school uniforms in low income areas in Chicago drive students to become more successful? It seems that there are no reasons for middle/higher income areas to implement these required policies since there are a lower percent of â€Å"at risk† studentRead MoreThe Pros and Cons of Wearing School Uniform1523 Words   |  6 PagesScientific research shows that school uniforms make the student appear smarter and more well-behaved, according to Behling (1994). In the experimental study, Behling found that when students wore uniforms, they were perceived in a more positive light by both their peers and by t eachers too. The research is based on the theory of person perception. Person perception theory suggests that a persons clothing and appearance lead to the formation of first impressions, and those first impressions can lastRead MorePersuasive Against School Uniforms716 Words   |  3 Pagesyou think school uniforms will help your child not become bullied? Well, you’re wrong. Studies are showing that school uniforms are beginning to cause bullying instead of preventing it. School uniforms are becoming a bigger and bigger problem in today’s society. They are very expensive, they do not allow students to express themselves, and they are not helpful for students to try and find out who they are. On average parents will pay close to $300 per child every year for school uniforms. StudentsRead MoreSchool Uniforms : A Veil Of Creativity1615 Words   |  7 PagesEnglish III Honors 12 November 2015 School Uniforms : A Veil of Creativity Although the uniform requirement has just been recently imposed, uniforms have been in existence for several centuries now. The first documented usage of a ‘standard’ garment in education was in 1222, where students were required to wear a â€Å"cappa clausa† or a robe-like outfit. School uniforms make schools a less happier place. School uniforms restricts self expression. Having required uniforms in a school’s curriculum negativelyRead MoreThe Fashion Industry1447 Words   |  6 Pagesdecorative cities but also into the lives and environments of public schools and their students. The insertion of so called â€Å"fashion† into the public school environment can be taken either as noble or corrupt; however in this case, there is nothing spectacular about the so called â€Å"fashion† and or â€Å"self-representation† that students are claiming to be wearing in today’s society. Not only has the non-uniform policies at public schoo ls aloud students to wear pretty much whatever they want, with some exceptionsRead MoreThe Importance Of Uniforms In Schools813 Words   |  4 PagesStudents from schools with a uniform policy say that uniforms have affected the way they feel about themselves in an unsatisfactory way. Uniforms are proven to slow down the transition into becoming an adult because students are not used to choosing their own clothing. Wearing a uniform opens an opportunity for students to judge each other’s bodies based on how they look and it creates room for drama and bullying. The uniforms can also obstruct a student from expressing themselves. Schools should not requireRead MoreSchool Uniforms Essay867 Words   |  4 PagesHigh schools that require students to wear school uniforms can be found around the world and have even been proven to function better than some schools that don’t require their students to wear uniforms. If Smackover High School required their student body to wear uniforms, it would come with quite a few benefits for the students, teachers, and parents. My view is that SHS should issue school uniforms. One perk to uniforms is that the cost of school uniforms would be less than if parents had to